Why still hesitate about using vacuum salt?

Why still hesitate about using vacuum salt?

MICROPLASTICS: A new study looked at sea, rock, and lake salt sold around the world. Here’s what you need to know.

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Millennials are changing the way we eat – and what that means for suppliers

Did you know that by 2025, Millennials will comprise three-quarters of the global workforce?

This sprawling generation can be a demanding consumer, but they can also be loyal to brands that prove they are what they say they are, and provide products that meet their specific needs.

Millenials love snacking!
Because some millennials graze instead of eating large meals, snack options have exploded, and there are many healthy offerings.

Read this to get to know the millennials

More on millennials!

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Jeanette Hansson, Lyckeby Culinar

“We have great confidence in them and always get very good service”
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Jeanette Hansson, Lyckeby Culinar

Niklas Korshag, Korshags Food smoke house

“Smoking our fish the efficient and sustainable way”
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Niklas Korshag, Korshags Food smoke house

Jarl Jørgensen, Funderholme Dambrug

“Salt as a miracle remedy for freshwater fish”
Jarl Jørgensen, Funderholme Dambrug

Lars Justesen, Rødkærsbro Mejeri

“It was Suprasel® themselves who suggested the solution in summer 2015, and already after a month it was implemented”
Lars Justesen, Rødkærsbro Mejeri

Carl Jakobsen, Danish Crown

“We have a good working relationship characterized by great flexibility”
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Carl Jakobsen, Danish Crown